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    Friday, July 26, 2019

    Piles Treatments in Ahmedabad | Hemorrhoids in Ahmedabad

    What is piles?

    Piles are swellings or swollen haemorrhoids that occur inside and around the anus, and along the anal canal. Haemorrhoids are masses, clumps, cushions of tissue full of blood vessels, support tissue, muscle and elastic fibers in the anal canal.

    Everyone has haemorrhoids. However, when the haemorrhoids guarding the anal passage become too big due to inflammation, so that the vein walls become stretched, thin, and irritated by passing bowel movements, that is when piles develops.

    Piles Treatments in Ahmedabad

    Piles are a common condition among adults that can cause a great deal of pain and discomfort if left untreated.

    Piles, also known as Hemorrhoids, often go away on their own without treatment in a couple of weeks. Luckily, there are several useful home remedies for piles, as well as some steps to take to help deal with or avoid piles altogether.

    How does piles occur?

    Piles are masses, clumps, cushions of tissue full of blood vessels, support tissue, muscle and elastic fibers in the anal canal. Piles are haemorrhoids that have become inflamed.

    Internal haemorrhoids form when blood vessels inside the rectum become swollen and engorged.

    External haemorrhoids can occur due to increased pressure caused by obesity, pregnancy, sitting or standing for long hours at a stretch, straining on the toilet, coughing, sneezing, vomiting, and holding your breath while straining to do strenuous physical labour.

    Piles Treatment Without Surgery in Ahmedabad

    In the initial stages, when there is less bleeding, piles treatment can be managed by lifestyle changes.

    Adopt a high-fibre vegetarian diet with green leafy vegetables, whole grains, cereals and fruits, and drink plenty of fluids for piles (hemorrhoids) prevention in Ahmedabad.

    At this stage, non-surgical treatment options such as injections (sclerotherapy) and banding are available.

    Home Remedies for Piles in Ahmedabad

    Some piles home remedies such as the following could also help relieve your symptoms
    1. Take sitz baths, or warm tub baths, to help in soothing anal muscles.
    2. Change unhealthy diet habits and adopt a fibre-rich vegetarian diet.
    3. Avoid using unnecessary pressure while passing stool
    Keep in mind that you should always consult a Piles doctor in Ahmedabad as self-medication with over-the-counter medicines may not prove fruitful.

    Surgeries with anesthetic

    Other types of surgery need to be performed in Ahmedabad Piles Hospitals.

    A hemorrhoidectomy is used for large external hemorrhoids and internal hemorrhoids that have prolapsed or are causing problems and not responding to nonsurgical management.

    This procedure usually takes place in a hospital. You and your surgeon will decide on the best anesthesia to use during the surgery. Choices include:
    • general anesthesia, which puts you into a deep sleep throughout the surgery
    • regional anesthesia, which involves medication that numbs your body from the waist down being delivered by a shot into your back
    • local anesthesia, which numbs only your anus and rectum
    You may also be given a sedative to help you relax during the procedure if you receive local or regional anesthesia.

    Once the anesthesia takes effect, your surgeon will cut out the large hemorrhoids. When the operation is over, you’ll be taken to a recovery room for a brief period of observation. Once the medical team is sure that your vital signs are stable, you’ll be able to return home.

    Pain and infection are the most common risks associated with this type of surgery.


    Hemorrhoidopexy is sometimes referred to as stapling. It’s usually handled as a same-day surgery in a hospital, and it requires general, regional, or local anesthesia.

    Stapling is used to treat prolapsed hemorrhoids. A surgical staple fixes the prolapsed hemorrhoid back into place inside your rectum and cuts off the blood supply so that the tissue will shrink and be reabsorbed.

    Stapling recovery takes less time and is less painful than recovery from a hemorrhoidectomy.

    Piles Treatment Aftercare

    You can expect rectal and anal pain after having hemorrhoid surgery. Your doctor will probably prescribe a painkiller to ease the discomfort.

    You can aid in your own recovery by:
    1. eating a high-fiber diet
    2. staying hydrated by drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water per day
    3. using a stool softener so you won’t have to strain during bowel movements
    4. Avoid any activities that involve heavy lifting or pulling.
    When you follow up with your doctor, they’ll probably recommend:
    • diet changes, such as eating foods high in fiber and staying hydrated
    • making lifestyle changes, such as losing weight
    • adopting a regular exercise program
    These adjustments will reduce the likelihood of hemorrhoids recurring.
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    1. Thanks for sharing great and helpful information about piles treatment. There are so many piles clinic are available in Ahmadabad. Cureveda Piles Fistula Hospital provides all types of and best treatment modalities for Piles & ayurvedic medicine for piles, Fissure, Fistula, Pilo-nidal sinus, and Ano-rectal abscess.


    Item Reviewed: Piles Treatments in Ahmedabad | Hemorrhoids in Ahmedabad Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Nilesh Patel
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